Your state of mind can be affected positively by massaging. Stress, worry, anxiety, depression, even crankiness, can be reduced, or eliminated, with massage. This can happen even if the therapist doesn’t touch anywhere near the head.
Suggesting a massage can ease worries or bothers, without touching the head, may seem crazy, but so often a massage is a way of taking time-out for yourself, your well-being and, temporarily at least, hopping out of the rat-race.
CBR Massage offers clients Relaxation and Remedial massage therapy. Both can ease matters of the mind. Relaxation massage is specifically designed to soothe the body and the mind. Whereas Remedial massage focuses on reducing pain and increasing mobility.
Each of these modalities assist clients into a better way of being. Less stress, pain, tightness and worry, is often the result.
“A growing body of research supports the positive impact of massage therapy for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression.”1
It stands to reason that if we are not moving well, or suffering aches and pains, then we may worry more, sleep poorly, be anxious about our injuries and be more likely to bite the heads off family, friends and coworkers.
Frequently. when we massage a person’s feet, their shoulders or wherever they are tight, they will report feeling better in themselves, not just where their injury is located. Sometimes the effect is greater, and people report feelings of joy and happiness.
“Massage therapy can be an effective treatment by elevating neurotransmitters associated with lowering anxiety and decreasing hormones associated with increasing anxiety.”2