According to researchers it’s estimated that 1.6 billion people across the world practice running as a form of exercise or competition(1). A higher number of runners will possibly lead us to see more running related injuries However, there are some ways, Sports Massage for example, that will decrease the chance of developing one.
Sports Massage can play an important role in preventing injuries and can be linked to performance impacts.
Performance Impacts
Challenging Performance Enhancement
Tight muscles can cause inflexibility that can negatively affect movement patterns and/or cause lack of strength, which can prevent efficient training and performance.
Preventing Injuries
Soft tissue injuries can cause muscle tightness can cause through soft tissue injuries.
Chronic Tightness
Chronic tightness can cause muscle and connective tissue inflammation, resulting in back and shoulder problems, ITB syndrome, Shin splints, Achilles tendinopathy, Plantar fascitis, etc.
Injury Rehabilitation
Deep tissue massage can help athletes recover more quickly from injuries particularly when its undertaken along with medical treatment and sports therapy.
Massage techniques can help break down the scar tissue the body develops as part of its natural tissue healing. This can also be assisted with work on joint movements and assisted stretching(2).
Different types of Sports Massage

Pre-Event Prep Helps Prime Performance
Helping the muscles get ready for competition (beginning up to 48 hours in advance) can actually help you compete and prevent injuries.
At The Event
Make sure to warm up your muscles by increasing the blood flow with exercises or stretching for 15- 45 minutes before competing ensure your mind and body are primed to be their best.
Post-Event Release
Between 24-48 hours after competition, massage softens connective fascia tissue and makes competition hardened muscles relax. This also removes adhesions which can occur between fascia and muscles.
Maintenance Prevents Breakdowns
Between training sessions, a massage one day per week with the goals of injury prevention, decreasing muscle tightness, getting the muscles ready for the training and maintaining muscle elasticity(3), can make an enormous difference to an athlete’s ongoing fitness and performance.
The main purpose of Sports Massage is to maintain the athlete’s physical health, preventing muscle injuries and assisting the athlete’s ongoing competitive activities. Published studies have indicated that massage after exercise reduces the intensity of delayed onset muscle soreness(4).
Crane’s research published: “Massage could let runners tolerate more training, and harder training, because it would improve their recovery and speed up their ability to go hard two days later”(5).
Even new runners can benefit from massage, alleviating the soreness that comes with starting a new sport. Regular massage can boost recovery and be a valuable training tool to help you run your best(6).
CBR Massage therapists are experienced in Sports Massage. Your therapist will determine the state of the muscle, and whether it’s better to use light strokes or deep-tissue techniques to treat an athlete in a safe and productive way.
1. Hulteen RM, Smith JJ, Morgan PJ, et al. (2016) Global participation in sport and leisure-time physical activities: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Preventive Medicine 95: 14-25
2. Catlow, Sarah, and Lance Doggart. “Running smoothly.” International Therapist 119 (2017): 18-21
3. https://www.fisioterapia-online.com/articulos/masaje-deportivo-tipos-y-diferencias-con-otros-masajes#comments
4. Hilbert, James E., G. A. Sforzo, and T. Swensen. “The effects of massage on delayed onset muscle soreness.” British Journal of Sports Medicine 37.1 (2003): 72-75.
5. THE PROS AND CONS OF MASSAGES FOR RUNNERSArticle added November 14, 2014 Categories Featured News, News, Written By: Kelly Bastone https://www.runnersworldonline.com.au/pros-cons-massages-runners/
6. http://www.runnersworld.com/injury-prevention-recovery/the-pros-and-cons-of-massages-for-runners