As Therapists, we at CBR Massage take pride in the way we communicate information to our clients. We recognise it is our duty of care to do this well and with clarity. Building rapport and trust with our clients is very valuable to us. It is also important to listen to instructions or advice that is given to you by your therapist. But what does it mean when you are advised by your therapist to move more?
We live in such a stagnant society spending much of our days seated at desks, using devices and driving in cars, when our bodies are designed to move.

If you are advised during or after treatment by your therapist that your specific needs require more movement in your world then all we are asking is simply that – move more! This may be to simply start taking a walk every day and engage in some light stretching.
Often clients misconstrue this concept. Instead, they hear that the therapist has said that they need to take up jogging or join the local gym. If these are things you wish to do, then go for it! But remember baby steps are better to start with and it’s a good idea to consult your health professional first.
Some Easy Ways To Start Moving Are…
- Take a few minutes in the morning to simply sit on the side of your bed and point and flex your toes up and down, then circle your ankles. Stand and twist from side to side, free flowing style, in your waist several times. Reach up to the ceiling, bend forward toward your toes, reach overhead and stretch the sides of your body.
- Incorporate any stretches or movements suggested by your therapist into your day. This should not be a stressful thing to add to your routine and should be designed to be achieved easily.
- Start walking. If you are time poor consider using your lunch break to get outside, park further from the office or shops, do walking meetings, listen to pod casts or your favourite music to keep it fresh.
- When you receive treatment at CBR Massage the therapist is working with you to improve movement patterns and create space through your joints so it is helpful if you can maintain this between appointments and you will reap the benefits.
- Find a friend to share this with. It makes it more enjoyable and holds you accountable.